The first smile

27 August 2014 • By Triscom

The first smile of your baby is a very special moment. You might be curious when this will occur. Usually the first smile is between six and eight weeks. By this time a baby will be able to smile with their whole face instead of just with their mouth. But it’s possible that they show their first smile earlier or later on.

Every baby wants to communicate with their mommy and daddy. It wants to express its feelings and tries to imitate your facial expressions.

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The 20 weeks ultrasound

6 August 2014 • By Triscom

As soon as you reach the 20th week of your pregnancy, your caregiver will order an exam of ultrasound for you. During this exam the ultrasound tech can check the growth of the baby in addition to a number of other routine checks such as the state of the placenta and umbilical cord.

If there are any abnormalities they will be explained to you by a doctor. The ultrasound tech needs to consult with your doctor first about possible causes for the abnormalities seen on the ultrasound scan. This will help to guide the discussion between you and your doctor about any further investigation.

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Children Baby Maternity Expo (CBME) in China

31 July 2014 • By Triscom

Primavita participated in CBME China from July 22 to July 24, 2014. This is the world’s largest sourcing event for baby, children and maternity products. The event featured 2.640 brands from 1.900 exhibitors across 200.680 square meters. There were many different products and services presented. This varied from food to healtcare products, toys, clothing, strollers, maternity products, accessories and services.

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Anticipation with your friends: baby shower

23 July 2014 • By Triscom

In some countries it is often celebrated but in other countries it is not so well known yet: the baby shower.

A baby shower is organized by friends, mothers (in law) and sister(s). The timing for a baby shower does not really matter, but it shouldn’t be during the final straws of pregnancy.

During the baby shower the mom-to-be will be spoiled with all sorts of fun things for the baby. It should be a big surprise for the expecting mother. So the organizing committee need to keep it well hidden for the mom-to-be.

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Visit of Chinese resellers

17 July 2014 • By Triscom

In February of this year, Triscom Holland welcomed a large group of Chinese merchants. Among them were owners of supermarket chains, drugstores and specialty stores in China. They all resell the Primavita milk powders.

After the group had landed on Schiphol we visited ‘de Zaanse Schans’. The group enjoyed the Dutch landscape and all the souvenirs.

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