Triscom joins Trade Mission Netherlands to China with prime minister Mark Rutte
3 April 2018 • By Triscom
From 8 - 13 April 2018, Triscom will join the trade mission to China with prime minister Mark Rutte and agriculture minister Carola Schouten. We will visit Xian and have field visits, seminars, network dinners and a trade reception.
we will also go to Guangzhou.
In Guangzhou we will have a field visit, a seminar, collective Match-making and a big trade dinner with different ministers from the Netherlands and from China. Over 500 people will join this trade dinner.
Also in Guangzhou Triscom and their agent in China GSTT Beijing will do a signing ceremony for a new 3 year contract to the value of 50 million. This signing will be in the presence of prime minister of the Netherlands, mr Mark Rutte. For Triscom CEO Koos de Koning will do the signing, for GSTT Beijing CEO Chao Li will do the signing.
Mr Koos de Koning, mrs Jessica Geerligs, mr Chao Li and mr Jing Shi will join the trade mission.